Saturday, November 30, 2024
8 AM to 2:30 PM
NEW LOCATION: To be held at The Westin Montréal:
270 Rue Saint-Antoine O, Montréal QC H2Y 0A3
Welcome to the Journée québécoise d’hémodialyse (JQH) 2024 registration site.
As you can see, the steering committee has put together an intriguing program focused on emerging topics in hemodialysis designed to enhance learning in a convivial, interactive setting.
The Early Bird Conference, summarizing some of the most important papers presented at the 2024 American Society of Nephrology (ASN) meeting, will be presented at 8:00 am.
Beginning at 9 am, we will examine important and sometimes controversial subjects such as the decision to end dialysis treatments, including the legal and ethical implications presented by Dr. Mathieu Moreau as well as the importance of identifying high-risk hemodialysis patients who should be screened to reduce osteoporotic fractures presented by Dr. Fabrice Mac-Way.
Incremental hemodialysis has been associated with preserving residual kidney function as well as improving patient quality of life. Barriers include concerns regarding patient acceptance of dialysis prescription changes, adherence to therapy, and provider factors that would require a restructuring of the current thrice weekly hemodialysis rubric. Our keynote speaker, Professor Patrick Saudan, head of the Service de dialyse des Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève and Professor of Medicine at the University of Geneva, will share his extensive experience with incremental dialysis and examine the unique benefits of precision dialysis.
After lunch, Dr. Dominque Genest will address pregnancy in hemodialysis patients, including the pharmacopoeia that can be safely used and Dr. William Beaubien-Souligny will update us on the most recent developments in fluid control management of hemodialysis patients.
We look forward to seeing you on November 30th. As space is limited, I would encourage you to register as soon as possible.
See you there!
Michel Vallée, MD, Ph D, M Sc (épi), Presidenton behalf of the 2024 JQH Scientific Steering Committee